4 Quick Fixes that NEMT Broker Software Offers

It’s no secret that brokers have a lot on their plate at any given time. There are so many moving parts for your team members to keep track. There’s a lot that goes into ensuring that your members get the best experience you have to offer. That’s why it’s always crucial to use whatever tools you have at your disposal to work to the best of your ability.

One of the biggest assets out there available is NEMT software for brokers. While this is often highly customizable, there are some serious quick wins that brokers can take advantage of relatively quickly when implementing their software.

Easy Automation

There are various ways you can automate processes in your brokerage, but one of the biggest ways NEMT broker software can help out you and your staff is by automating your scheduling process. Depending on what parameters you set up in your software, it can auto-generate schedules for your drivers that both keep in mind the needs of all your members and also best utilizes your time.

Putting Power with the User

Depending on what software you choose, there can be an entire “passenger portal” where your members can take control of their transportation needs and book their trips, track the progress of their driver, leave reviews and feedback, and double-check what upcoming trips they have scheduled. Allowing your members to take part in their own online booking for NEMT services not only helps them feel heard but also frees up your staff’s time to handle other important aspects of your brokerage.

Reducing the Number of Calls Necessary

Your NEMT software for brokers can be used to make your dispatchers’ lives easier in a significant way: letting the software handle all types of calls that don’t need a real person for their execution.

  • Members can cancel a ride at any time, including in the middle of the night, before their reminder call.
  • Notification calls for when a driver is delayed to keep your members up to date and not have to feel like they’ve been forgotten.
  • Heads-up calls for imminent arrivals to ensure that members are ready to go when drivers arrive at their location to ensure members are ready to go before a vehicle arrives.

Generating Reports with Ease

With a sophisticated enough NEMT broker software, you can track and record all manner of data about your drivers, members, and the trips they all take together and, in turn, generate reports both manually and automatically.

We’re Passionate About Helping Brokers Deliver Excellent Experiences

Our industry isn’t just about getting people from point A to point B, it’s about helping people access services vital to their health. This is why we take helping brokers provide the best services possible so seriously.

Contact us to learn about how Momentm’s NEMT software can enhance the way your brokerage functions.

Kris Lyon

Kris, VP, Business Development, specializes in adapting the operational needs of customers to Momentm's NEMT software platforms. With a strong 30+ year history working in the Health and Human Services field, Kris provides insight into the health care industry and its relation to medical transportation.

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